Premiere: 9 Livestream Performances, November 1-17, 2022
Choreography & Video Editing: Teoma Naccarato
Music & Multi-Channel Video System Design: John MacCallum
Director of Photography: Liam Morgan
Performers: Silvia Sisto, Dmytro Grynov, Patrycja Maslowska, Momo Fabienne Tanner Fujita, Diana Thielen, Melissa Panlasigui, Tiziano Portas, Sergio Guerra Abril, Maria Kousi
Im/mediations: 9x9x9 is a series of 9 livestream performances – featuring 9 soloists – fragmented and reconfigured in closeup from 9 unique perspectives. Each livestream is a kinetic portrait – a 90-minute exposure, in which movement pushes at the seams of stillness.
Each livestream spans 90-minutes, during which the soloist performs a minimalist score of sustained stillness, punctuated by abrupt gestural shifts. Within each stretch of stillness, the closeup framings from 9 simultaneous angles reveal micro-movements beyond the performer’s control. Throughout, the performer engages in a practice called “Interstitial Listening“, aligning each inhale, exhale, and gesture with the dynamic temporality of an irregular metronome, negotiating gaps between the timing of their action and intention.
The 9 livestream performances took place from November 1-17, 2022. The virtual audience was invited to arrive and depart anytime throughout each livestream, and to return for multiple streams over the course of 3 weeks.
Overall, the 9 livestreams, filmed from 9 simultaneous angles, generated 81 full-HD videos. Based on the detailed temporal score shared by all performers, the 81 ninety-minute videos can be synchronised in post-production. These 81 synchronised videos will be used to generate two new projects: firstly, a large-scale video wall in which they unfold contemporaneously; and secondly, a video installation in which the 81 videos are mapped onto multiple surfaces and inter-spliced to explore their collective potential.

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.